The Wise Men of Gotham Stories
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Why did the men of Gotham act like 'mad men' or 'fools'? With at least twenty tales of their foolery, there should have been a good reason for such behaviour.
According to some traditions, the men of Gotham pretended to be quite mad and stupid to avoid the costs that would have been entailed in hosting King John, who reigned from 1199 to 1216. King John might either build a hunting lodge or buy a castle and grounds around that place.
There are different versions. One says that the townsmen had no desire to be saddled with this expense, and therefore when the royal messengers appeared, wherever they went they saw the people occupied in some idiotic activity. The king was then told of it, abandoned his intention, and the "wise men" of the village remarked, "We know there are more fools that pass through Gotham than remain in it."