Stories of Tita

12 grudnia 2019

The Advent Story - The Wild Geese

Listen to a beautitiful Scottish Advent story....
There was once a man who didn't believe in the incarnation of Christ or the spiritual meaning of Christmas. In fact, he didn't believe in God.
He lived with his family on the farm in the country. His wife was a deep believer and she tried to raise their children in her faith. The husband sometimes gave her a tough time about that and mocked her attitude towards Christmas. "It's all nonsense why would God lower himself and become human like us ? It's such a ridiculous story!" - he said.
One snowy day in Advent time, she with the children went to the church while he stayed at home. After they had left the wind grew stronger and a terrible snowstorm started. The husband sat down relaxing in the front of the fireplace.
Suddenly, he heard a strange noise. Something was hitting against the window. He looked outside but he couldn't see anything. He decided to go outside and check what to hell was going on. In the field near his house he saw a flock of wild geese. They were apparently flying to look for a warmer area to the south but were caught in the snowstorm.
The blizzard had become too violent for the geese to fly and to see their way. They were stranded on the farm, with no food or shelter, unable to do more than flatter their wings and fly in aimless circles.
He had compassion for them and wanted to help them. He thought to himself: "The barn would be a great place for them to stay. It's warm and safe, surly they could spend the night there and wait out the storm!"
So he opened the barns door for them. He waited, watching them, hoping they would notice the open door and go safely inside the barn. But in panic they didn't notice anything. He moved closer towards them to get their attention but they were even more scared. He decided to bring some bread and made the bread trail to the barn. Unfortunatelly, they didn't catch on.
Starting to be frustrated he went on the farmyard and tried to shoo them towards the barn. They panicked even more and scatterd into every direction except towards the barn. Nothing he did could get them into a safe barn where there was warmth, safety and shelter.
Feeling totally frustrated he exclaimed: "Why don't you follow me! Can't you see this is the only safe place where you can survive? How can I possibly save you?"
He thought for a moment and realised that they just wouldn't follow the human and he said to himself: "The only way to save them would be to become like these geese. If only I could become like one of them they would follow me and I would lead them into safety!"
At that moment he stopped and considered what he had said. And then at last he understood the God's heart towards the mankind. The story of Christmas, which he had understood, changed all his life. 
Here you can find the Polish version of the story I published two years ago:   

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