Stories of Tita

1 stycznia 2024

The Perfect Wife

Portrait of a 'Perfect Wife' (oil on canvas) by School English/ źródło:

Once there were two friends who would meet every New Year's Eve and discuss their future plans. The first one asked the second, "What are you going to do this year?" "I'm going to find myself the perfect wife," the first friend replied, "Someone beautiful, cultivated and kind." A year passed. The two friends met. "Tell me, how did you get on?" asked the second friend. "Not too well. I found a girl who was beautiful but had never read a book and we had nothing in common. Next year I'll search further afield." Another year passed. "How did you get on with finding your wife this year?" "I searched even further and found a girl was beautiful and well-read and I loved her for that but she was selfish - only ever thinking of herself. Next year I'll search even further afield." A third year passed. "And how did you get on this year?" asked the second friend. "Did you find the perfect wife?" "I did," replied his friend. "I found someone beautiful, cultivated and kind but there was small problem. She was looking for the perfect husband."

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