Stories of Tita

5 stycznia 2023

The Legend of Old Befana

Every morning and every afternoon, old Befana sweeps with her broom.“Cranky old lady,” the children say. “She is always sweeping!” Sweep, sweep, sweep.
But when a brilliant star glows in the eastern sky one night, and Old Befana encounters the glorious procession of three kings on their way to Bethlehem, her world will never be the same.
That's how the traditional Italian story is introduced on the cover of the book I found underneeth christmas tree this year. The legend was retold and illustrated by Tomie de Paola.  According to it on the Feast of the Three Kings, Befana - an eccentric old lady,  visits all the children of Italy and leaves them sweets. It is said that she is searching for the Christ Child. 
But listen to the whole story...
In a small house, on the outskirts of a small village lived Old Befana. She lived all alone and wasn't very friendly. If any people dared to knock at her door, she never asked them in.
- I have no time for visiting - she said.
The children didn't like her either.
- Cranky old lady - the children say - She is always sweeping! 
That was true.

Sometimes a delicious smell of things baking drifted from Old Befana's house.
- Who does she bake for?- they asked.
And some nights, they heard her singing lullabies.
- Crazy Old Befana - everybody called her.
One day, after Old Befana had eaten her dinner and swept her kitchen ...

  ... and fell asleep.
She woke up in the middle of the night. The room was bright. She got out of bed and crossed the cold floor.When she opened the shutter, a burst of light poured into her kitchen.
In the eastern sky she saw a brillian star. All night she tossed and turned but she didn't sleep a wink.

At dawn, Old Befana got up and dressed. After breakfast, as she always did every morning, every afternoon and every evening she swept her little house: sweep, sweep, sweep.
All the time she heard the bells tinkling. 
- What's going on. My old ears play tricks - she thought and kept sweeping.
Suddenly, over the hills, came the most glorious processsion Old Befana had ever seen.
Camels, horses, elephants and people.
What a splendid sight!
There were also three-royal-looking men dressed in jeweled robes.
The procession stopped. Three kings got down and came up to a frowning Old Befana.

 - Is this the way to Bethlehem? - asked one of them.
- How can I say. I never heard of it. - and she began to sweep.
- We are searching for the Child - said the second king.
- There are many children  - answered Old Befana, still sweeping.
- But this one is a King - said the third.
- I know nothing of royal matters. Now if you will excuse me, I have work to do.
And the procession started up again. But one little boy called her:
- You should come with us. The Child, this Baby King has come to change the world. He comes for us. He comes for the poor. We are bringing him gifts.
- Child King - Old Befana muttered -  Bethlehem...
Sweep, sweep, sweep.
- Coming to change the world. Coming for poor - she sighed - Well, heavens know, Old Befana is poor.
Sweep, sweep, sweep.
But believe it or not, Old Befana went back into her kitchen and looked what happened.

   She baked and sing all day. She didn't even sweep. Then she filled a basket with all cakes and cookies and ...

Before leaving she swept her little house. She locked her door, gathered the basket and at last Old Befana was on her way.
She run and run. The sun had set but still she run.

Suddenly the sky was filled with light and heavenly angels sang:
- Glory to all men. The new King is born. Tonight is the night of miracles!

Old Befana rose to her feet.
- Tell me, tell me where He is - she cried - I bring gifts to the Child!
She began to walk and then run again. She even shouted at the Angels:
- Wait! You must help me. Show me the way to Bethlehem...!
And in that moment Old Befana began to feel lighter
It was the night of miracles, indeed.

  But Old Befana never found the Child in 
Some people say that she is searching still, to this day. 
Every year on January the sixth, Old Befana runs across the sky.
Maybe, you will see her one night...

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