Stories of Tita

3 grudnia 2022

The story of Christmas wreaths

Every year before Christmas there is this special time of joyful waiting with so mamy possibilities to celebrate togetherness and kindness. Without a doubt making Christmas decoration is one of them. This year at the beginning of Advent time I had a chance to be at the Christmas markets of Amsterdam, Brussel and Luxemburg. The things which focused my particular attention were Advent wreaths. Here is the simple one in the incredibly quiet Cathedral of Luxembourg.

Wreaths are part of many ancient traditions dating back to the earliest civilizations. The circle is a symbol of immortality; throughout history, wreaths have been associated with life and renewal. Originally, wreaths were worn around the head, neck, or waist.
The Greeks awarded laurel wreaths to their triumphant athletes. In the Persian Empire they were worn on the head as a symbol of importance. The same with ancient Romans who wore them like crowns. In Sweden, candles were incorporated in the wreaths to celebrate the return of light after the winter solstice.

They are on a table for decoration or as an advent wreath, which also contains candles, one for each Advent Sunday.
You can easily make your own traditional Christmas wreath. It's important to remeber that all used dry or evergreen plants have a meaning and can can add symbolic value to our wreaths:

-Rosemary for remembrance
-Sage for good health
-Thyme for bravery
-Lavender for purity
-Rue for virtue
-Juniper for life and hope
-Hawthorn berries for protection and joy
It's also good to throw in cedar for strength, holly for immortality, and pine cones for long life and prosperity.

Well, don't you think that it sounds nice to take some pain and make your own unique wreath. You can have a lot of fun and start singing Christmas Carols. 

There is also an option to make a really evergreen one with succulents from your garden. Here is another inspiration from the Amsterdam Floating Flower Market. 

Here some more ideas for Chistmas succulents.

and wreaths ... 

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