Stories of Tita

4 listopada 2021

The Citizen of the World

There is an old Jewish legend about the creation of the first man. It says that we shouldn't bother where we are from or where our ashes are going to be buried as every human being is the citizen of the world. But let's listen to the story...
The Holy One gathered the dust for the creation of the first man from the four corners of the earth. The curious Spirit of Life asked God why did He do this.
The Holy One replied: "It happens that If a man should chance to come from the East to the West, or from the West to the East or to any place on the face of the earth, and when his time comes to depart from this world, then the dust of the earth which is in that place where he dies shall not say to him: 'The dust of your body is not mine. Thou was not born here in this land. Return to the place whence your dust was gathered at the birth.'
It is for this reason that I have taken the dust to form man from the four corners of the earth. Every place on earth is man's home. Wheresoever he happens to be when he dies there is the resting-place for the dust of his body and there it returns to Mother-Earth."
The Spirit of Life praised the Lord whose mercies are over all His works.
Similar story we can find in the second Genesis creation story.
God forms humans from the dust of the earth and breathes the breath of life into our nostrils. We are of the earth, formed from dust and clay. We will one day return to the earth as we are woven into the cycles of birth and death.
We are the citizens of the world in a state of endless wandering.

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