Stories of Tita

11 sierpnia 2019

The story about what to do to change the world for better?

The cover of the 2019 edition of the Universty of Edinburgh(zdjęcie własne)

I found the 2019 edition of the Universty of Edinburgh extremely interesting also because of the awesome covers. Although the English proverb says: "Never judge the book by its cover", you have to admit that the illustrations made by the students of Edinburgh College of Art are impressive. 

The back cover of the 2019 edition of the Universty of Edinburgh

They made me start thinking about my key to solve the problems of our turbulent times and how to change the world for better.
In the Chinese folklore, there is the story of an ambitious young man who, on his twentieth birthday, became consumed with the desire to change the world for better. He spent the next 20 years trying to do that but couldn’t.
At age 40, he settled for trying to change China. He spent the next 20 years trying to do that but couldn’t.
At age 60, he settled for trying to change his village. For the next 20 years he tried to do that but failed.
At age 80, he decided to focus on changing his family. He spent the next 20 years trying to do that but couldn’t.
At age 100, he decided to focus on changing himself.
That's what Ghandi said: "Be the change you want to see in the world".
All in all, if I want to do something for the environment, I should cycle instead using a car. If I see deliberate disinformation, I shoud stop watching TV. If I'm concerned about social inequality, I should engage in one of the numerous social projects and so on ...
Paraphrasing another saying: think globally and work personally ;) - that's the clue. 

P.S. I found the Chinese story here:

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